Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assessment Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assessment Theory - Essay Example Including the assessment strategies that will be used to measure the progress of the student is very necessary to make sure that this has been achieved in a way that will help the students to not only gain from the learning materials but also retain these materials in the long term (Kyriacou, 2009). Diagnostic assessment is geared towards creating a way forward for the class (Wiliam, 2009). The teacher uses this assessment strategy in an attempt to try and map the knowledge the class already has about a certain topic are. In this regard, it can be used at the beginning of the lesson, at the beginning of a new topic, or even at the beginning of a new class (grade level). New teachers who are about to take a new class may also want to use a diagnostic assessment to know where his or her students have reached with regard to certain knowledge. Once this is used, the teacher is able to know what will be necessary to emphasize on and what may not require more emphasis. Formative assessment is also another important strategy that teachers can use to help and aid in the class. As Gadsby (2012) argues, formative assessments are usually in class assessments that a teacher will use in a way to help the students to learn better. Formative assessment is never geared towards giving the student a grade to indicate his level of knowledge, but is geared towards identifying any learning gaps in the classroom and therefore provide for a way to deal with them (Black & William, 1998). For instance, after introducing and completing a topic, the teacher may want to give a formative assessment as a way to identify what the students were able to learn and retain and what they were not able to retain. This way, the instructor is able to close the gaps that are identified through a formative assessment (Marshalla & Drummond, 2006). For instance, if the class is on Information and communication technology

Monday, October 28, 2019

Analysis of the Story Doctor in the House Essay Example for Free

Analysis of the Story Doctor in the House Essay The story to be analyzed is entitled â€Å"Doctor in the house† written by Richard Gordon. He also wrote several novels and screenplays dealing with practice of medicine. The extract is about passing oral and written exams on medicine. The author describes the way how the main character passed his examinations. He considered it to be death. A lot of images can be found in the text. They create atmosphere of a contest, a court, musical playing. The author emphasizes the inevitability of meeting Secretary to hear the sentence In 1952, he left medical practice and took up writing full time. He has an uncredited role as an anesthesiologist in the movie Doctor in the House. The early Doctor novels, set in the fictitious St Swithins, a teaching hospital in London, were initially witty and apparently autobiographical; later books included more sexual innuendo and farce. The novels were very successful in Britain in Penguin paperback during the 1960s and 1970s. Richard Gordon also contributed to Punch magazine and has published books on medicine, gardening, fishing and cricket. The film adaptation of Doctor in the House was released in 1954, two years after the book, while Doctor at Sea came out the following year with Brigitte Bardot. Dirk Bogarde starred as Dr. Simon Sparrow in both. The later spin-off TV series were often written by well-known British comic performers. Doctor in the House begins with the lead protagonist getting into a fictional medical college in London, St. Swithins. He collects a handful of faithful friends, including Grimsdyke, whose main aim to remain an eternal student as his aunt has left a large legacy in his name, for the duration of his course (as the funds will cease once he qualifies, he prefers to fail every examination). The book goes through the trials and tribulations of their college lives-sports, studies, spats with teachers and love affairs. Snippets like using a human skull as an ash-tray and trying to weasel out of tight situations in examinations will strike a chord not only in every doctor and medical student, but also in anyone who has ever attempted an examination! In one of my favourite incidents, Simon (the hero) is asked to check a patient’s eyes with an ophthalmoscope. He says ’’I always intended to find out how this thing worked, but never got around to doing it’’ Further, on checking the patient’s eyes, his comment was that ’’it looked like fishes swimming in an aquarium full of murky water.’’ Luckily for him, he was able to wriggle out of the situation by a simple trick, and eventually passed the examination! The book is full of incidents like that, and will keep you laughing page after page. When I finished the book, I felt a vague disappointment that it was over so soon! There is a little flirting, but nothing that even an adolescent reader’s mother would censor. Hindi films are a lot worse!! So if you havent been exposed to Richard Gordon yet, this is a good time to start. This is the original book in the Doctor in the House series and deals with his medical training. The Doctor books were written as memoirs, a fiction continued by the author and main characters name being the same. In reality, Dr. Richard Gordon Dr. Gordon Ostlere, a highly-qualified surgeon and anaethetist and contemporary of my uncle who was a reknowned anaethestist himself but I didnt know that at the time. Humourous stories of young doctors at medical school. A series of films were based on the Doctor books, and a television series as well. This one was first published in 1952. Product Description Richard Gordons acceptance into St Swithans medical school came as no surprise to anyone, least of all him after all, he had been to public school, played first XV rugby, and his father was, lets face it, a St Swithans man. Surely he was set for life. It was rather a shock then to discover that, once there, he would actually have to work, and quite hard. Fortunately for Richard Gordon, life proved not to be all dissection and textbooks after allThis hilarious hospital comedy is perfect reading for anyone whos ever wondered exactly what medical students get up to in their training. Just dont read it on your way to the doctors! About the Author Richard Gordon is best-known for his hilarious Doctor books and the long-running television series they inspired. Himself a qualified doctor, he worked as an anaesthetist, ships surgeon and then as assistant editor of the British Medical Journal before leaving medical practice in 1952 to take up writing full time. Many of his books are based on these experiences in the medical profession and are all told with the rye wit and candid humour that have become his hallmark.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Willy Russells Our Day Out Essay -- Willy Russell Our Day Out Essays

Willy Russell's "Our Day Out" Willy Russell has written many plays over the last thirty years, but there is one feature that is common to all of them: the issue of social and cultural background. This is the situation of the characters; their surroundings; their class; the society in which they are brought up, and the culture of that society. It is this that can lead to the behaviour, feelings, opinions and general outlook of the characters. Russell explores the effects that society and culture can have on people in all his plays, but in none is it so poignant as in 'Our Day Out', the story of what happens when Mrs Kay takes her Progress class out of inner-city Liverpool on a school trip to Conwy Castle, Wales. Throughout 'Our Day Out' the issue of social and cultural background is ever-present, but it is discussed and conveyed in many different forms; the colloquial dialect Russell uses; the symbolism that is featured; the behaviour and attitudes of the children; the way that people react to these children, and the insights we get into their family lives. Willy Russell himself said that he writes for the theatre because 'it's concerned with the spoken rather than the written word'. In 'Our Day Out' we see the importance of the spoken word through the language that the children use. Having grown up and taught at a Comprehensive school in Liverpool, Russell knows the Liverpudlian dialect perfectly, and he uses his knowledge to give a truly representative feel to the play. The children use words such as 'agh'ey', 'ooer', and 'nott'n', and the authentic language that the children use help to make the play feel more real. Because Russell writes the words as they would be spoken in a Liverpudlian acce... ...ry isn't. The poignancy and intensity of the play is somewhat masked in places by the comedy, but we do catch glimpses of the hopeless, desperate situation these children are facing. As Mrs Kay says, 'Ten years ago you could teach them to stand in a line, you could teach them to obey, to expect little more than a lousy factory job. But now they haven't even got that to aim for. There's nothing for them to do, any of them; most of them were born for factory fodder, but the factories have closed down.' Throughout the play this is the underlying tone, and the subtle way that Russell conveys this message heightens the effect when it comes. This day out is simply an oasis; one day of fun out of their whole lives, and at the end of it we see how the glimmer of something bright and beautiful makes it all the harder to turn your eyes back to the grey and mundane.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Conflict Theory

The several social theories that emphasize social conflict have roots in the ideas of Karl Marx (1818-1883), the great German theorist and political activist. The Marxist, conflict approach emphasizes a materialist interpretation of history, a dialectical method of analysis, a critical stance toward existing social arrangements, and a political program of revolution or, at least, reform. Marx summarized the key elements of this materialist view of history as follows: In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness. The mode of production of material life conditions the general process of social, political and intellectual life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness (Marx 1971:20). Marx divided history into several stages, conforming to broad patterns in the economic structure of society. The most important stages for Marx's argument were feudalism, capitalism, and socialism. The bulk of Marx's writing is concerned with applying the materialist model of society to capitalism, the stage of economic and social development that Marx saw as dominant in 19th century Europe. For Marx, the central institution of capitalist society is private property, the system by which capital (that is, money, machines, tools, factories, and other material objects used in production) is controlled by a small minority of the population. This arrangement leads to two opposed classes, the owners of capital (called the bourgeoisie) and the workers (called the proletariat), whose only property is their own labor time, which they have to sell to the capitalists. Economic exploitation leads directly to political oppression, as owners make use of their economic power to gain control of the state and turn it into a servant of bourgeois economic interests. Police power, for instance, is used to enforce property rights and guarantee unfair contracts between capitalist and worker. Oppression also takes more subtle forms: religion serves capitalist interests by pacifying the population; intellectuals, paid directly or indirectly by capitalists, spend their careers justifying and rationalizing the existing social and economic arrangements. In sum, the economic structure of society molds the superstructure, including ideas (e. g. , morality, ideologies, art, and literature) and the social institutions that support the class structure of society (e. g. , the state, the educational system, the family, and religious institutions). Because the dominant or ruling class (the bourgeoisie) controls the social relations of production, the dominant ideology in capitalist society is that of the ruling class. Ideology and social institutions, in turn, serve to reproduce and perpetuate the economic class structure. Thus, Marx viewed the exploitative economic arrangements of capitalism as the real foundation upon which the superstructure of social, political, and intellectual consciousness is built. (Figure 1 depicts this model of historical materialism. Marx's view of history might seem completely cynical or pessimistic, were it not for the possibilities of change revealed by his method of dialectical analysis. (The Marxist dialectical method, based on Hegel's earlier idealistic dialectic, focuses attention on how an existing social arrangement, or thesis, generates its social opposite, or antithesis, and on how a qualitatively different social form, or synthesis, emerges from the resulting struggle. ) Marx was an optim ist. He believed that any stage of history based on exploitative economic arrangements generated within itself the seeds of its own destruction. For instance, feudalism, in which land owners exploited the peasantry, gave rise to a class of town-dwelling merchants, whose dedication to making profits eventually led to the bourgeois revolution and the modern capitalist era. Similarly, the class relations of capitalism will lead inevitably to the next stage, socialism. The class relations of capitalism embody a contradiction: capitalists need workers, and vice versa, but the economic interests of the two groups are fundamentally at odds. Such contradictions mean inherent conflict and instability, the class struggle. Adding to the instability of the capitalist system are the inescapable needs for ever-wider markets and ever-greater investments in capital to maintain the profits of capitalists. Marx expected that the resulting economic cycles of expansion and contraction, together with tensions that will build as the working class gains greater understanding of its exploited position (and thus attains class consciousness), will eventually culminate in a socialist revolution. Despite this sense of the unalterable logic of history, Marxists see the need for social criticism and for political activity to speed the arrival of socialism, which, not being based on private property, is not expected to involve as many contradictions and conflicts as capitalism. Marxists believe that social theory and political practice are dialectically intertwined, with theory enhanced by political involvement and with political practice necessarily guided by theory. Intellectuals ought, therefore, to engage in praxis, to combine political criticism and political activity. Theory itself is seen as necessarily critical and value-laden, since the prevailing social relations are based upon alienating and dehumanizing exploitation of the labor of the working classes. Marx's ideas have been applied and reinterpreted by scholars for over a hundred years, starting with Marx's close friend and collaborator, Friedrich Engels (1825-95), who supported Marx and his family for many years from the profits of the textile factories founded by Engels' father, while Marx shut himself away in the library of the British Museum. Later, Vladimir I. Lenin (1870-1924), leader of the Russian revolution, made several influential contributions to Marxist theory. In recent years Marxist theory has taken a great variety of forms, notably the world-systems theory proposed by Immanuel Wallerstein (1974, 1980) and the comparative theory of revolutions put forward by Theda Skocpol (1980). Marxist ideas have also served as a starting point for many of the modern feminist theorists. Despite these applications, Marxism of any variety is still a minority position among American sociologists. Functionalism is the oldest, and still the dominant, theoretical perspective in sociology and many other social sciences. This perspective is built upon twin emphases: application of the scientific method to the objective social world and use of an analogy between the individual organism and society. The emphasis on scientific method leads to the assertion that one can study the social world in the same ways as one studies the physical world. Thus, Functionalists see the social world as â€Å"objectively real,† as observable with such techniques as social surveys and interviews. Furthermore, their positivistic view of social science assumes that study of the social world can be value-free, in that the investigator's values will not necessarily interfere with the disinterested search for social laws governing the behavior of social systems. Many of these ideas go back to Emile Durkheim (1858-1917), the great French sociologist whose writings form the basis for functionalist theory (see Durkheim 1915, 1964); Durkheim was himself one of the first sociologists to make use of scientific and statistical techniques in sociological research (1951). The second emphasis, on the organic unity of society, leads functionalists to speculate about needs which must be met for a social system to exist, as well as the ways in which social institutions satisfy those needs. A functionalist might argue, for instance, that every society will have a religion, because religious institutions have certain functions which contribute to the survival of the social system as a whole, just as the organs of the body have functions which are necessary for the body's survival. Functionalist theories have very often been criticized as teleological, that is, reversing the usual order of cause and effect by explaining things in terms of what happens afterward, not what went before. A strict functionalist might explain certain religious practices, for instance, as being functional by contributing to a society's survival; however, such religious traditions will usually have been firmly established long before the question is finally settled of whether the society as a whole will actually survive. Bowing to this kind of criticism of the basic logic of functionalist theory, most current sociologists have stopped using any explicitly functionalistic explanations of social phenomena, and the extreme version of functionalism expounded by Talcott Parsons has gone out of fashion. Nevertheless, many sociologists continue to expect that by careful, objective scrutiny of social phenomena they will eventually be able to discover the general laws of social behavior, and this hope still serves as the motivation for a great deal of sociological thinking and research. RATIONAL CHOICE AND EXCHANGE THEORY {text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-end} SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM Symbolic interactionism, or interactionism for short, is one of the major theoretical perspectives in sociology. This perspective has a long intellectual history, beginning with the German sociologist and economist, Max Weber (1864-1920) and the American philosopher, George H. Mead (1863-1931), both of whom emphasized the subjective meaning of human behavior, the social process, and pragmatism. Although there are a number of versions of interactionist thought, some deriving from phenomenological writings by philosophers, the following description offers a simplified amalgamation of these ideas, concentrating on points of convergence. Herbert Blumer, who studied with Mead at the University of Chicago, is responsible for coining the term, â€Å"symbolic interactionism,† as well as for formulating the most prominent version of the theory (Blumer 1969). Interactionists focus on the subjective aspects of social life, rather than on objective, macro-structural aspects of social systems. One reason for this focus is that interactionists base their theoretical perspective on their image of humans, rather than on their image of society (as the functionalists do). For interactionists, humans are pragmatic actors who continually must adjust their behavior to the actions of other actors. We can adjust to these actions only because we are able to interpret them, i. e. , to denote them symbolically and treat the actions and those who perform them as symbolic objects. This process of adjustment is aided by our ability to imaginatively rehearse alternative lines of action before we act. The process is further aided by our ability to think about and to react to our own actions and even our selves as symbolic objects. Thus, the interactionist theorist sees humans as active, creative participants who construct their social world, not as passive, conforming objects of socialization. For the interactionist, society consists of organized and patterned interactions among individuals. Thus, research by interactionists focuses on easily observable face-to-face interactions rather than on macro-level structural relationships involving social institutions. Furthermore, this focus on interaction and on the meaning of events to the participants in those events (the definition of the situation) shifts the attention of interactionists away from stable norms and values toward more changeable, continually readjusting social processes. Whereas for functionalists socialization creates stability in the social system, for interactionists negotiation among members of society creates temporary, socially constructed relations which remain in constant flux, despite relative stability in the basic framework governing those relations. These emphases on symbols, negotiated reality, and the social construction of society lead to an interest in the roles people play. Erving Goffman (1958), a prominent social theorist in this tradition, discusses roles dramaturgically, using an analogy to the theater, with human social behavior seen as more or less well scripted and with humans as role-taking actors. Role-taking is a key mechanism of interaction, for it permits us to take the other's perspective, to see what our actions might mean to the other actors with whom we interact. At other times, interactionists emphasize the improvisational quality of roles, with human social behavior seen as poorly scripted and with humans as role-making improvisers. Role-making, too, is a key mechanism of interaction, for all situations and roles are inherently ambiguous, thus requiring us to create those situations and roles to some extent before we can act. Interactionists tend to study social interaction through participant observation, rather than surveys and interviews. They argue that close contact and immersion in the everyday lives of the participants is necessary for understanding the meaning of actions, the definition of the situation itself, and the process by which actors construct the situation through their interaction. Given this close contact, interactionists could hardly remain free of value commitments, and, in fact, interactionists make explicit use of their values in choosing what to study but strive to be objective in the conduct of their research. Symbolic interactionists are often criticized by other sociologists for being overly impressionistic in their research methods and somewhat unsystematic in their theories. These objections, combined with the fairly narrow focus of interactionist research on small-group interactions and other social psychological issues, have relegated the interactionist camp to a minority position among sociologists, although a fairly substantial minority. Bureaucratic Form According to Max Weber — His Six Major Principles Before covering Weber's Six Major Principles, I want to describe the various multiple meanings of the word â€Å"bureaucracy. A group of workers (for example, civil service employees of the U. S. government), is referred to as â€Å"the bureaucracy. † An example: â€Å"The threat of Gramm-Rudman-Hollings cuts has the bureaucracy in Washington deeply concerned. † Bureaucracy is the name of an organizational form used by sociologists and organizational design pr ofessionals. Bureaucracy has an informal usage, as in â€Å"there's too much bureaucracy where I work. † This informal usage describes a set of characteristics or attributes such as â€Å"red tape† or â€Å"inflexibility† that frustrate people who deal with or who work for organizations they perceive as â€Å"bureaucratic. Weber noted six major principles. 1. A formal hierarchical structure Each level controls the level below and is controlled by the level above. A formal hierarchy is the basis of central planning and centralized decision making. 2. Management by rules Controlling by rules allows decisions made at high levels to be executed consistently by all lower levels. 3. Organization by functional specialty Work is to be done by specialists, and people are organized into units based on the type of work they do or skills they have. 4. An â€Å"up-focused† or â€Å"in-focused† mission If the mission is described as â€Å"up-focused,† then the organization's purpose is to serve the stockholders, the board, or whatever agency empowered it. If the mission is to serve the organization itself, and those within it, e. g. , to produce high profits, to gain market share, or to produce a cash stream, then the mission is described as â€Å"in-focused. † 5. Purposely impersonal The idea is to treat all employees equally and customers equally, and not be influenced by individual differences. . Employment based on technical qualifications (There may also be protection from arbitrary dismissal. ) The bureaucratic form, according to Parkinson, has another attribute. 7. Predisposition to grow in staff â€Å"above the line. † Weber failed to notice this, but C. Northcote Parkinson found it so common that he made it the basis of his humorous â€Å"Parkinson's law. † Parkinson demonstrated th at the management and professional staff tends to grow at predictable rates, almost without regard to what the line organization is doing. The bureaucratic form is so common that most people accept it as the normal way of organizing almost any endeavor. People in bureaucratic organizations generally blame the ugly side effects of bureaucracy on management, or the founders, or the owners, without awareness that the real cause is the organizing form. Iron cage is a sociological concept introduced by Max Weber. Iron cage refers to the increasing rationalization of human life, which traps individuals in an â€Å"iron cage† of rule-based, rational control. He also called such over-bureaucratized social order â€Å"the polar night of icy darkness†. The original German term is stahlhartes Gehause; this was translated into ‘iron cage', an expression made familiar to English language speakers by Talcott Parsons in his 1958 translation of Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Recently some sociologists have questioned this translation, arguing that the correct term should be ‘shell as hard as steel' and that the difference from the original translation is significant. A more literal translation from German would be â€Å"steel-hard housing. Weber wrote: â€Å"In Baxter’s view the care for external goods should only lie on the shoulders of the ‘saint like a light cloak, which can be thrown aside at any moment. ‘ But fate decreed that the cloak should become an iron cage. † Weber became concerned with social actions and the subjective meaning that humans attach to their action s and interaction within specific social contexts. He also believed in idealism, which is the belief that we only know things because of the meanings that we apply to them. This led to his interest in power and authority in terms of bureaucracy and rationalization

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Outsiders

The Outsiders by S. E Hinton, the author argues that heroism defines a person by their actions not by their background, history, or looks. The events at the church, the incidents that happened before the church and the aftermath all show the changes that happened over time that would eventually negate Ponyboys history and background and regard him as a hero.There are different points of heroism in the story and different forms of eroism in the story but for now we are going to look at the most important three, Cherry acting as a spy, Ponyboy rescuing the kids and what he was defined by before he was a hero. Ponyboy is very much defined as a hero after the events that happened at the church in which he rescued all those kids from death by grabbing them out of the burning church. He did out of courage and kindness and was praised as a hero for it. â€Å"Mrs.O'briant and I think you were sent straight from heaven. Or are you Just professional heroes or something? Sent from heaven? Had he gotten a good look at Dallas? â€Å"No were greasers† I said. I was too worried and scared to appreciate the fact that he was trying to be funny. mfou're what? † â€Å"Greasers you know like hoods, ID's. Johnny is wanted for murder, and Dallas has a record with the fuzz a mile long. â€Å"(95). The quote present here relates to the theme and explains the ambulance driver overlooking his past and still appreciating him as a hero.The author is putting emphasis on the heroism in the quote and that no matter what background heroes ome from, they are looked upon for their actions and the same applied for Ponyboy and what he did for those kids. The reason that he was looked upon as a hero was because of his actions, but what was he defined as before the church? He was a greaser, Just your average every day greaser who was looked upon as a hood, a thief, and Juvenile delinquent to society. â€Å"It was my pride. It was long and silky, Just like sodas only a little bit re dder.Our hair was tuff – we didn't have to use much grease on it. Our hair labeled us greasers too – it was our trademark. The one thing we were proud of. Maybe we couldn't corvairs or madras shirts, but we could have hair. † Ponyboys pride was his hair and that's what he considered himself to be defined by. It was a painful change for him to make when he had to cut it off. When Johnny told ponyboy that he is going to cut their hair ponyboy replied by stating the previous quote. Ponyboy could have been defined as a hero before the events at the church in a different way and from a different perspective.He could be a hero in Johnnys eyes or sticking with him ever since he killed the Socs Bob to him lying in his death bed. He is a hero for standing by his friends through the good and the bad. Although Ponyboy is the most notable hero in the story there are others who did other things such as Cherry acting as a spy for the Greases and giving them info. In the end al l of the different stories of heroism in the story all relate back to the main theme heroism is defined by your actions not by your background, history, or looks. The Outsiders By Pancakewaffe The Outsiders Search for Self Conflict arises between two incomparable social groups, resulting in tragic deaths. In the novel The Outsiders by S. E Hint, two separate gangs, the Soc and Greasers, are at constant contention. The Outsiders takes place In Oklahoma, the sass's. Hint uses the character, Pony Curtis to explain why It doesn't matter what social position you are In. The message she Is trying to get across to the readers Is you are your own person, and you don't have to be classified as anyone else but yourself.Throughout the novel Pony becomes more sophisticated, by learning to reaffirm is own values and sense of self. He progressively matures through the course of the novel in many different ways by experiencing things he would have never imagined going through. Pony never admired the girls that were Greasers but one night he found the girl of his dreams. Unfortunately, she was a Soc and she had different standards for her romantic companion. Pony knows his position in society but that never held him back from falling for the delectable Cherry Valance.Heartbreaking for him, she was more of the girl to fall for â€Å"bad-boys† unlike Pony. It wasn't Johnny's fault Bob was a booze-hound and Cherry went for boys bound for By the end of the novel, Pony finally comes to the realization of thinking of Cherry as more of a friend, rather than having romantic affections for her. He shows sensitivity and understanding by appreciating their differences and accepting her feelings towards him. A second way Pony has changed is by learning the consequences of his own mistakes and wrong doings.After Running away was always Pony supreme speculation on finding a place he felt acknowledgment, â€Å"Come on, Johnny, we're running )After coming home late, his older protective brother Dairy, who has taken over responsibility of Pony and Soda after their parents passed away, is very furious with him. As a result of his outrage, he ends up hitting Pony. Devastated, Pony runs away , and relies on one of the gang members to keep him up to date on what Is going on. He Is then stuck In an abandoned church starving for news to come from his confidant.As a result of his actions, Pony learns how big of an Impact his family and friends have n him. The biggest impact that changed Pony throughout the novel was the realization of his brother's feelings towards him. In the beginning of the novel, Pony is rebellious against his oldest brother Dairy, â€Å"Me and Dairy just didn't dig each other. â€Å"(p. 13)He felt like Dairy was only out to get after him, and that Pony was never exceptional enough. Even though Dairy is stricter than their parents, he was only trying to make the best of Pony, which he came to realize at the end. Dairy did care about me, maybe as much as he cared about Soda, and because he eared he was trying too hard to make something of me. â€Å"(p. 98)After trying to block Dairy out, Pony finally figured it out for himself after seeing the agony h e has put Dairy through.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Planning for and implementation of information technology in civilian and military organizations

Planning for and implementation of information technology in civilian and military organizations Introduction An organization refers to a group of people who form a social unit that is structured and managed systematically with the aim of achieving a given objective. Military teams and civilian arrangements such as business institutions are examples of organizations. Though management structures is believed have originated from the military system of command, the military and civilian organizations have of late taken different dimensions with the later developing more liberalized approaches to implementing its policies.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Planning for and implementation of information technology in civilian and military organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper seeks to discuss whether or not the two types of organizations should adopt similar organizational competencies with respect to technology. The paper will look into systems in the two organizational types to identif y similarities or differences to determine the argument. Management in Military and Civil Organization Though the military is always perceived to be a purely hierarchical system with chains of command that must be adhered to, there have been calls from experts and leaders in the military departments for a liberalization of the chains in the organizations. In the year 2001, for example, the United States’ secretary of defense made a call to the office of the president concerning a threat that had been identified in the department of defense. The threat was about the system of administration that was realized in the military. After the information was passed, a number of changes were realized in the country’s military departments such as the â€Å"supply chain system, harness information technology and cut costs by adopting practices from the corporate world† (Managing, 2003, p. 1). The perception that might be held by either the military or the corporate world th at one is more efficient than the other might not be necessarily true. While the military view the cooperate world as more efficient, there are a lot of things that managers in business organizations ought to learn from the military. He also explains that business organizations ought to identify the â€Å"lessons that have been learnt over decades in the military† (Managing, 2003, p. 1). The military is actually designed more like the business world structure. Just as the supply of goods and services are critical to the lives and well being of consumers in the economic set up, is the military provision a necessity to the lives of soldiers in the field. The two organizations are even almost similar in their supply chains. The supply chain foreword direction flow is a similarity in the two organizations with military equipments being transferred along steps of a chain all the way to the final ground soldier just like inventory is transferred through stages until its finished fo rm is delivered to the final consumer.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The United States’ military actually runs commercial operations that generate a large amount of money from â€Å"sales and services† (Managing, 2003). The military has also been adopting approaches used in the corporate world. Employment of academicians into systems for guidance and research is one of the lessons that have been learnt by the military from the corporate bodies. Technologies such as in information systems have also been adopted by the United States’ military which at one time became the country leader in information technology. The pentagon’s implementation of â€Å"Customer Relations Management, Supplier Management and Enterprise Resource Planning systems† (Managing, 2003, p. 1) and the use of retailer’s functionality systems i n military provisionary chain is also a reflection of developed similarity in the two organizations (Managing, 2003). In what showed compatibility of methods in the two organizations, the American military also formed a committee in the year 2001 that was purely composed of chief executives from the corporate world to help the military in understanding techniques of gaining efficiencies. It is also reported that almost all techniques that have been developed by the military have received adoption by the corporate world (Managing, 2003). As Price David (2008) recounted, there are a number of business management structures that have been adopted by the military. The military, for example, has financial managers who are useful in decision making regarding resource allocations. Business management concepts such as efficiency and cost effectiveness in relation to managing resources that are in most cases scarce, even in military environments have been essentials in the military. Like in business systems, the military’s top administration is also characterized by an extensive level of â€Å"Planning, Programming, and Budgeting† (Price, 2008, p. 1) that helps in the effective utilization of resources for the attainment of military objectives (Price, 2008). Features such as monitoring and evaluation have at the same time become common in the two organizational systems. Another similarity in the two systems is the power that is vested on the capital supplier to the systems. Just as business organizations aim at making decisions in the interest of share holders, the military’s decisions are aimed at satisfying the interest of tax payers (Price, 2008). Conclusion Following the discussion, it is evident that the military and the corporate world share a lot of things in common. It is also evident that concepts that have over time been identified by one party have in the end have been adopted by the other. Due to similarities identified in their systems and operations, it can be concluded that planning for and implementation of information technology in the two systems require similar organizational competence.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Planning for and implementation of information technology in civilian and military organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Managing. (2003). Managing Supply Chains: What the Military Can Teach Business (and Vice Versa). Retrieved from: Price, D. E. (2004). Organizing for expeditionary operations? Transforming headquarters financial management into the commanders A-8 staff. Air Force Comptroller, July. Web.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Socio-Political Symbolism In “The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz”

Socio-Political Symbolism in â€Å"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz† By Heather R. Posey The Wizard of Oz has long been considered an imaginative children’s tale of fantasy, but many have read into it a symbolism which goes beyond a simple fun and exciting story filled with witches, wizards, and other fairy tale creatures. The possibility of a greater depth to the work was opened to the public eye in 1964 when Henry M. Littlefield’s â€Å"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: A Parable on Populism† was published in the American Quarterly. Wrought by Lyman Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was first published in 1900. The work is an adept reflection of the political and socio-economic setting in turn-of-the-century America. Written at a time when things such as droughts, a harsh winter, grasshoppers and economical factors were devastating Western farmers, industrial workers were oppressed, a time of debating over monetary security in either silver of gold, a time of disillusionment for the common man of America, when Romantic idealism was in a hopeless decline, The Wizard of Oz begins set on a monochromatic and desolate farmhouse of the great prairies of Kansas. Dorothy dwells in a hopeless environment surrounded by hopeless people. Kansas and its’ people represent the distressed and neglected farming communities and the hopeless common man of turn-of-the-century America. It is suggested that Dorothy, who bravely and strongly lead her traveling companions through their trials to the Emerald City and ultimately to the discovery that they already possessed the things they sought, represents Mary Lease, Kansas firebrand quoted as suggesting that farmers raise less corn and more hell. It has been s aid as well that Dorothy’s little black dog, Toto, represents the prohibitionist teetotalers, who were a part of the populist silverite movement. The two heroes are suddenly wrenched from their dry but familiar surroundings by a tor... Free Essays on Socio-Political Symbolism In â€Å"The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz† Free Essays on Socio-Political Symbolism In â€Å"The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz† Socio-Political Symbolism in â€Å"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz† By Heather R. Posey The Wizard of Oz has long been considered an imaginative children’s tale of fantasy, but many have read into it a symbolism which goes beyond a simple fun and exciting story filled with witches, wizards, and other fairy tale creatures. The possibility of a greater depth to the work was opened to the public eye in 1964 when Henry M. Littlefield’s â€Å"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: A Parable on Populism† was published in the American Quarterly. Wrought by Lyman Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was first published in 1900. The work is an adept reflection of the political and socio-economic setting in turn-of-the-century America. Written at a time when things such as droughts, a harsh winter, grasshoppers and economical factors were devastating Western farmers, industrial workers were oppressed, a time of debating over monetary security in either silver of gold, a time of disillusionment for the common man of America, when Romantic idealism was in a hopeless decline, The Wizard of Oz begins set on a monochromatic and desolate farmhouse of the great prairies of Kansas. Dorothy dwells in a hopeless environment surrounded by hopeless people. Kansas and its’ people represent the distressed and neglected farming communities and the hopeless common man of turn-of-the-century America. It is suggested that Dorothy, who bravely and strongly lead her traveling companions through their trials to the Emerald City and ultimately to the discovery that they already possessed the things they sought, represents Mary Lease, Kansas firebrand quoted as suggesting that farmers raise less corn and more hell. It has been s aid as well that Dorothy’s little black dog, Toto, represents the prohibitionist teetotalers, who were a part of the populist silverite movement. The two heroes are suddenly wrenched from their dry but familiar surroundings by a tor...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sea Turtle Facts

Sea Turtle Facts Sea turtles are water-inhabiting reptiles, six species of which belong to the Cheloniidae  family and one to the Dermochelyidae  family. These glorious seaborne relatives of land turtles glide through the coastal and deepwater regions of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. Long-lived creatures, it can take 30 years for a sea turtle to mature sexually. Fast Facts: Sea Turtles Scientific Name: Dermochelys coriacea, Chelonia mydas, Caretta caretta, Eretmochelys imbricate, Lepidochelys kempii, Lepidochelys olivacea, and Natator depressusCommon Names: Leatherback, green, loggerhead, hawksbill, Kemp’s ridley, olive ridley, flatbackBasic Animal Group: ReptileSize: 2–6 feet long  Weight: 100–2,000 poundsLifespan: 70–80 yearsDiet:  Carnivore, Herbivore, OmnivoreHabitat: Temperate, tropical, subtropical waters of the worlds oceansConservation Status: Critically Endangered (hawksbill, Kemps ridley); Endangered (green); Vulnerable (loggerhead, olive ridley, and leatherback); Data Deficient (flatback) Description Sea turtles are animals in the Class Reptilia, meaning they are reptiles. Reptiles are ectothermic (commonly referred to as cold-blooded), lay eggs, have scales (or did have them, at some point in their evolutionary history), breathe through lungs, and have a three or four-chambered heart. Sea turtles have a carapace  or upper shell that is streamlined to help in swimming and a lower shell, called a plastron. In all but one species, the carapace is covered in hard scutes. Unlike land turtles, sea turtles cannot retreat into their shell. They also have paddle-like flippers. While their flippers are great for propelling them through the water, they are poorly-suited for walking on land. They also breathe air, so a sea turtle must come to the water surface when it needs to do so, which can leave them vulnerable to boats.   Westend61 - Gerald Nowak/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images Species There are seven species of sea turtles. Six of them (the hawksbill, green, flatback, loggerhead, Kemps ridley, and olive ridley turtles) have shells made up of hard scutes, while the aptly-named leatherback turtle is in the Family Dermochelyidae and has a leathery carapace made up of connective tissue. Sea turtles range in size from about two to six feet long, depending on the species, and weigh between 100 and 2,000 pounds. The Kemps ridley turtle is the smallest, and the leatherback is the largest. The green and olive ridley sea turtles reside in tropical and subtropical waters around the globe. Leatherbacks nest on tropical beaches but migrate northward to Canada; loggerhead and hawksbill turtles live in temperate and tropical waters in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. Kemps ridley turtles hang out along the coasts of the western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, and flatbacks are found only near the Australian coast. Diet Most of the turtles are carnivorous, but each has adapted to specific prey. Loggerheads prefer fish, jellyfish, and hard-shelled lobsters and crustaceans. Leatherbacks feed on jellyfish, salps, crustaceans, squid, and urchins; hawksbills use their bird-like beak to feed on soft corals, anemones and sea sponges. Flatbacks dine on squid, sea cucumbers, soft corals, and mollusks. Green turtles are carnivorous when young but are herbivores as adults, eating seaweeds and seagrass. Kemps ridley turtles prefer crabs, and olive ridleys are omnivorous, preferring a diet of jellyfish, snails, crabs, and shrimp but also snacking on algae and seaweed. Behavior Sea turtles may migrate long distances between feeding and nesting grounds and also stay in warmer waters when the seasons change. One leatherback turtle was tracked for over 12,000 miles as it traveled from Indonesia to Oregon, and loggerheads may migrate between Japan and Baja, California. Young turtles may also spend considerable amounts of time traveling between the time they are hatched and the time they return to their nesting/mating grounds, according to ​long-term research. It takes most sea turtle species a long time to mature and consequently, these animals live a long time. Estimates for the lifespan of sea turtles is 70–80 years. Reproduction and Offspring All sea turtles (and all turtles) lay eggs, so they are oviparous. Sea turtles hatch from eggs on shore​ and then spend several years out at sea. It may take 5 to 35 years for them to become sexually mature, depending on the species. At this point, males and females migrate to breeding grounds, which are often near nesting areas. Males and females mate offshore, and females travel to nesting areas to lay their eggs. Amazingly, females return to the same beach where they were born to lay their eggs, even though it may be 30 years later and the appearance of the beach may have greatly changed. The female crawls up on the beach, digs a pit for her body with her flippers (which can be more than a foot deep for some species), and then digs a nest for the eggs with her hind flippers. She then lays her eggs, covers her nest with the hind flippers and packs the sand down, then heads for the ocean. A turtle may lay several clutches of eggs during the nesting season. Sea turtle eggs need to incubate for 45 to 70 days before they hatch. The length of incubation time is affected by the temperature of the sand in which the eggs are laid. Eggs hatch more quickly if the temperature of the nest is warm. So if eggs are laid in a sunny spot and there is limited rain, they may hatch in 45 days, while eggs laid in a shady spot or in cooler weather will take longer to hatch. Temperature also determines the gender of the hatchling. Cooler temperatures favor the development of more males, and warmer temperatures favor the development of more females (think of the potential implications of global warming!). Interestingly, even the position of the egg in the nest could affect the gender of the hatchling. The center of the nest is warmer, therefore eggs in the center are more likely to hatch females, while eggs on the outside are more likely to hatch males. Carmen M/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 3.0 Evolutionary History Sea turtles have been around for a long time in evolutionary history. The first turtle-like animals are thought to have lived about 260 million years ago, and odontocetes, the first marine turtle, is thought to have lived about 220 million years ago. Unlike modern turtles, odontocetes had teeth. Sea turtles are related to land turtles (such as snapping turtles, pond turtles, and even tortoises). Both land and marine turtles are classified in the Order Testudines. All animals in the Order Testudines have a shell that is basically a modification of the ribs and vertebra, and also incorporates the girdles of the front and back limbs. Turtles and tortoises do not have teeth, but they have a horny covering on their jaws.​ Conservation Status and Threats Of the seven sea turtle species, six (all but the flatback) exist in the United States, and all are endangered. Threats to sea turtles include coastal development (which leads to loss of nesting habitat or making previous nesting areas unsuitable), harvesting turtles for eggs or meat, bycatch in fishing gear, entanglement in or ingestion of marine debris, boat traffic, and climate change. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), out of the seven species of sea turtles, two are classed as Critically Endangered (hawksbill, Kemps ridley); one as Endangered (green); three are vulnerable (loggerhead, olive ridley, and leatherback), and one  is Data Deficient, meaning they need additional study to determine the current status (flatback). You can help by: Supporting sea turtle research and conservation organizations and projects through volunteering or donating fundsSupporting measures to protect nesting habitatsChoosing seafood that is caught without impacting turtles (e.g., in areas where turtle excluder devices are used, or where bycatch is minimal)Not purchasing sea turtle products, including meat, eggs, oil, or tortoiseshellWatching out for sea turtles if you are out on a boat in sea turtle habitatReducing marine debris. This includes always disposing of your trash properly, using fewer disposable items and plastics, buying locally and purchasing items with less packagingReducing your carbon footprint by using less energy Placebo365/Getty Images   Sources Abreu-Grobois, A and P. Plotkin (IUCN SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group). Lepidochelys olivacea. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T11534A3292503, 2008.  Casale, P. and A.D. Tucker. Caretta caretta (amended version of 2015 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T3897A119333622, 2017.Marine Turtle Specialist Group. Lepidochelys kempii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T11533A3292342, 1996.  Mortimer, J.A and M. Donnelly (IUCN SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group). Eretmochelys imbricata. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T8005A12881238, 2008.  Olive Ridley Project: Fighting Ghost Nets and Saving Turtles.  Sea Turtle ConservancySpotila, James R. 2004. Sea Turtles: A Complete Guide to Their Biology, Behavior, and Conservation. The Johns Hopkins University Press.Unlocking the Secrets of Sea Turtle Migration. Science Daily, February 29, 2012.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Trying to rehabilitate offenders is a waste of time and money Essay

Trying to rehabilitate offenders is a waste of time and money - Essay Example These high rates of behaviour of falling back into crime have driven the prison population to rapidly increase and have caused a widespread overcrowding, slowing down a number of opportunities for rehabilitation and education, and have lowered the level of motivation for both the staff and the prisoners. To address this issue, the government of the United Kingdom has been spending on new prison places which have been merely designed for control security instead of being focused on the education and rehabilitation that their increasing number of prisoners need. Most of these British prisoners are young men under 30 who do not have proper education; therefore without the correct education and skills, only a small number of these prisoners will be capable of building meaningful lives that will turn away from crime, regardless of how long or how often they have been in prison (Ogloff 1999). Community sentences are also handled by the probation service and staff who work with the prisoners, their victims and partners who closely work with criminal justice agencies such as the police and the prisons. These three agencies are required by the law to work together in managing and supervising the community. The primary goals of the penal system as well as the individuals who facilitate it are to protect the public and implement the proper punishment for the offenders of the community. This system of punishment is also used to make sure that the offenders are aware of their crimes and its effects on their victims and communities; therefore, these individuals should undergo proper analysis and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation programmes have been created as part of the penal system to implement transformation on prisoners for them to change and become better and productive citizens. However, this will entail support from concerned agencies and more importantly, the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Mark Mazower's After the War was Over Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mark Mazower's After the War was Over - Essay Example rience of its brief life as a nation-state’{p.21}) to restore justice and prosecute collaborators were undone by the resurrection of the anticommunist right wing faction. Eleni Haidia’s essay â€Å"The Punishment of Collaborators in Northern Greece, 1945-1946† (Chapter 2 of the book) is a composition of studies of trials of collaborators in Thessaloniki. It explores how at first there was widespread determination to mete out strong punishment, a determination that eventually broke down and vanished after encountering malignancies such as improper administration practices, corruption, lack of funding and the new, sudden and unforeseen political crisis that resulted after the civil war. Procopis Papastratis’ essay â€Å"Purging the University after Liberation† (Chapter 3 of the volume) explores the efforts carried out with the aim of cleansing Athens University of those persons who had collaborated with the Germans and the pre-war Metaxas regime. The University used academic and political tactics to successfully repulse the threat of purging it; in the process, ironically, the University also succeeded in expelling several of its professors who supported the EAM (National Liberation Front). Susanne-Sophia Spiliotis’ essay â€Å"An Affair of Politics, Not Justice: The Merten Trial (1957-1959) and Greek-German Relations† (Chapter 14 of the book) reveals how Max Merten, a Nazi official mainly responsible for the deportation of Thessaloniki’s Jews, escaped justice. She highlights this trial to show that not only collaborators, but even German war criminals escaped Greek justice, an evasion made possible by the late 1950s â€Å"mutual interest† move by the Greek and West German governments to turn a blind eye to past wartime events, and look ahead with a view to boost mutual political and economic relations. Polymeris Voglis’ essay â€Å"Between Negation and Self-Negation: Political Prisoners in Greece, 1945-1950† (Chapter 4 of the volume) is a valuable study

Product and Brand Management PowerPoint Presentation

Product and Brand Management - PowerPoint Presentation Example The consumption of the beverages has been threatened by health concerns with the need to introduce more healthy brands. The research in the American market suggests that the consumption level is affected by an increased 63% of the population preferring nutritious drinks as compared to the established brands. The leading products have ventured to include production of bottled water for consumers to utilize as alternative products. Slide 2: Competitive Analysis The leading competitor expected in the market would be the Coca-Cola Company with a leading market share of 42.8%. This has been due to powerful and precise advertisement measures and introduction of unique brands preferred by the consumers. With the strategy to introduce the, rich juicy, flavors in mango, orange and strawberry, Kooler Refresh is expected to gain a 10% market share. However, with the right advertising strategies and the combination of both new and traditional media, the awareness of the brand would be increased (Gelder, 2005). The other advantage in the Coca-Cola Company is the popularity of the brand and awareness of the existing flavors. However, one in five consumers prefers healthy beverages as compared to products that hold minimal energy level. The carbonated drinks have also been replaced by bottled water as a preference due to health implications. Slide 3 and 4: Brand Strategic Plan The vision of the company has been created to become a leading supplier of healthy soft drinks among the developing ages who prefer satisfactory healthy drinks. The objective realized in the company is to increase the market share on introduction within the market to rival the efforts of the competitive brands. On becoming a leading brand within the market, the consumers would help the product realize the increase in returns and profit generation. This will be effectively achieved in environmental friendly packaging and the composition of the drink to include healthy ingredients. The drink also lacks th e quality of the carbonated drinks with a, pure natural, taste in the drink. Strategy to be applied involves focusing on the energetic youth, especially in young male and female athletes. These are found in schools and competitive platforms with the inclusion of marketing campaigns utilized by the youth. The company has identified the 16-25 year age to be the most active and in need for an alternative brand category. The brand also expects to introduce alternative milk flavors in vanilla and strawberry. The marketing strategy campaign in advertising is expected to be extended to Africa and Asia as avenues to market the product name. The company will apply similar tactics as the competitor in using celebrity endorsement programs and creating avenues preferred by the youth in free samples as promotional campaign. However, the input would be placed on selected platforms like advertising campaigns engaging selected groups. Slide 5 and 6: 4 Ps The product under consideration is a soft dr ink with the brand identification name in Kooler Refresh that offers health and energy retrieval through the natural tasty blends available. The production has been based on inclusion of added energy content per millimeter similar to the nutrients acquired in the natural fruit. The selected Pricing range has been selected to aid in marketing campaign with comparison used in the competitor pricing. The company expects to charge at a 10% reduction rate in the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Alternative Dispute Resolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Alternative Dispute Resolution - Research Paper Example In clearer terms, ADR refers to the processes of solving disputes outside the judicial process or formal litigation. In fact, the judicial system/process is currently encouraging and requiring conflicting parties to utilize the Alternative Dispute Resolution processes, particularly mediation, prior to taking such cases before a court of law. There are four other main types of Alternative Dispute Resolution namely negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and collaborative law (Lynch, P. 213). In fact, conciliation has also considered a type of Alternative Dispute Resolution. Except in negotiation, all the other categories of Alternative Dispute Resolution involve the presence of a neutral person who provides fair opinions while facilitating or making a decision in ADR processes. However, the collaborative law processes such as collaborative divorce require both parties to have counsels who are experts at following the details of the contracts or terms involved such issues. Among the dispu tes or conflicts in which ADR techniques have been particularly useful include family matters such as divorce, professional liability disputes, insurance issues/disputes, and personal injury situations. There are several advantages for which the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution has become prominent in recent times. These advantages include more efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and greater satisfaction for all parties involved. In fact, great deals of civil cases such as marital dissolutions have been settled using Alternative Dispute Resolution techniques (Lynch, P. 213). Due to the recognized effectiveness of ADR as a tool for dispute resolution, judicial systems world over have adopted the practice of providing conflicting parties and their lawyers with information about and the option of ADR, more so in civil cases. Advantages and Disadvantages of Alternative Dispute Resolution The current trend of increased usage of Alternative Dispute Resolution techniques stems from the ma ny advantages that arise from their use. The first among the advantages of ADR is the fact that far less time is consumed in solving disputes in cases where ADR, rather than litigation is applied. ADR also usually costs less in monitory terms compared to litigations. Moreover, ADR techniques such as arbitration have more flexibility in the choice and the application of the relevant rules to their disputes. For instance, one may choose to apply industrial standards, religious laws, foreign/international laws, domestic laws, and any unique set of standards/rules for ADR processes such as negotiation, mediation, conciliation, or arbitration. Importantly, the disputing parties are in a position to use the services of experts in the relevant fields. The other advantage of ADR over litigation is that more time is also wasted in litigation since judges and juries have to be educated on the technical terms and aspects of cases that involve complicated and technical issues that are not prope rly understood by laymen. In fact, it is only after this kind of education that judges and juries may make informed and fair decisions.  Ã‚  

Geology cpr essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Geology cpr - Essay Example The banded iron deposited in these areas are said to have the biggest economic values and hence mining is quite economical, (Kesler, Stephen 443) During the formation of the banded iron, the earth was covered with acidic medium that to a large extent facilitated the formation of the banded iron. In addition, the great oxygenation that took place facilitated the formation of the hard mineral. This oxygen was fixated by primitive microorganisms that existed during the formation. Photosynthetic bacteria were largely attributed to the formation of banded iron. These bacteria synthesized their food in chemical processes that released oxygen gas. It is important to note that iron is highly reactive with oxygen and hence, it readily formed iron oxide that settled at the bottom of ancient oceans, (Kesler, Stephen 473). This is the most relevant theory that explains the large existence of iron oxide in several iron ores. Before the formation of the banded iron, oxygen gas did not exist, (Trendall 1). The gas only became existence as result of chemical reactions in the photosynthetic bacteria. Geologists agree that as the cyanobacteria became numerous in the earth, the oxygen emanating from the photosynthesis accumulated in the atmosphere and hence that is the reason why we have the precious oxygen. In the earth’s ocean, dissolved iron combined with oxygen forming insoluble oxides of iron. The iron oxides then precipitated out leading to a formation of a thin coat on the ocean floor. The thin layer formed into cherts and shale resulting into a complete cover all over the ocean floor. This brought about the stratification of the oceans and hence the ocean waters is "stratified" Over millions of years ago, iron oxide and silica were precipitated repeatedly over a long period. This resulted in the deposition of alternating layers of hematite (which is red),

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Alternative Dispute Resolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Alternative Dispute Resolution - Research Paper Example In clearer terms, ADR refers to the processes of solving disputes outside the judicial process or formal litigation. In fact, the judicial system/process is currently encouraging and requiring conflicting parties to utilize the Alternative Dispute Resolution processes, particularly mediation, prior to taking such cases before a court of law. There are four other main types of Alternative Dispute Resolution namely negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and collaborative law (Lynch, P. 213). In fact, conciliation has also considered a type of Alternative Dispute Resolution. Except in negotiation, all the other categories of Alternative Dispute Resolution involve the presence of a neutral person who provides fair opinions while facilitating or making a decision in ADR processes. However, the collaborative law processes such as collaborative divorce require both parties to have counsels who are experts at following the details of the contracts or terms involved such issues. Among the dispu tes or conflicts in which ADR techniques have been particularly useful include family matters such as divorce, professional liability disputes, insurance issues/disputes, and personal injury situations. There are several advantages for which the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution has become prominent in recent times. These advantages include more efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and greater satisfaction for all parties involved. In fact, great deals of civil cases such as marital dissolutions have been settled using Alternative Dispute Resolution techniques (Lynch, P. 213). Due to the recognized effectiveness of ADR as a tool for dispute resolution, judicial systems world over have adopted the practice of providing conflicting parties and their lawyers with information about and the option of ADR, more so in civil cases. Advantages and Disadvantages of Alternative Dispute Resolution The current trend of increased usage of Alternative Dispute Resolution techniques stems from the ma ny advantages that arise from their use. The first among the advantages of ADR is the fact that far less time is consumed in solving disputes in cases where ADR, rather than litigation is applied. ADR also usually costs less in monitory terms compared to litigations. Moreover, ADR techniques such as arbitration have more flexibility in the choice and the application of the relevant rules to their disputes. For instance, one may choose to apply industrial standards, religious laws, foreign/international laws, domestic laws, and any unique set of standards/rules for ADR processes such as negotiation, mediation, conciliation, or arbitration. Importantly, the disputing parties are in a position to use the services of experts in the relevant fields. The other advantage of ADR over litigation is that more time is also wasted in litigation since judges and juries have to be educated on the technical terms and aspects of cases that involve complicated and technical issues that are not prope rly understood by laymen. In fact, it is only after this kind of education that judges and juries may make informed and fair decisions.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What is the role of celebrity endorsement in media communication Essay

What is the role of celebrity endorsement in media communication - Essay Example e recent past as a result of being endorsed by many different companies and corporations to advertise their products and introduce different brands to the market place. The essay will examine the role of these celebrity endorsements to the media communication and how all these can be of benefit to the companies and the general public. Endorsement is the act of picking up an individual to promote a particular brand using different media channels. This is majorly used as a marketing technique but what matters most is the media channel used to carry out the endorsement communication. If the wrong form of media is chosen such as radio and which many people do not listen to, whatever is being endorsed is bound to fail to attract the targeted people (Okorie, Oyedepo & Akhidenor, 2012). Celebrities are being endorsed to carry out the advertisements. Their use is much more effective than regular people as they have large followers worldwide. These celebrities include athletes, movie stars; reality shows stars, famous business personalities and musicians among other celebrities. It is guaranteed that with their endorsement, they are bound to attract an even larger following and whatever they have endorsed will accepted by the people. When choosing the celebrities to use to endorse whatever product is being advertised, it is important to look at their media usage and the following they have on each of these media particularly the social media. This is important because celebrities are endorsed with a lot of money even millions of dollars and hence it is important to know that the people are getting their money’s worth. According to research by (Chan, Leung Ng & Luk, 2013), most companies target young adults as they are the ones who are most likely to identify with the celebrities and they find these celebrities appealing. Media communication refers to exchange of information from one person to another or to a group of people for the purpose of passing on a message. In

Brazil Will Eventually Become Economic Powerhouse Essay Example for Free

Brazil Will Eventually Become Economic Powerhouse Essay Currently, Brazil with its population hitting 186. 6 million has the ninth largest economy in the world (Jaeger, p. 2). Since the beginning of the 21st century the country has been enjoying a well-established economic stability, low inflation, high productivity rates and developing macro-economic infrastructure. Currently, Brazilian economic indexes are gradually improving in their dynamics, though some of them still remain on the average level for Latin American region. In particular, GDP growth in 2006 was hardly over 3% (Estevao). Since the middle of the last century Brazil was expected to develop shortly into â€Å"the world’s next economic power. † However due to two-decade long economic stagnation and financial crises in the mid-1980s Brazil has lost its positions and fell short of expectations regarding its economic development, especially in comparison with rapidly progressing economies of the countries in Asian region, such as China, Taiwan or South Korea, etc. (Adrogue, Cerisola Gelos, p. 3). Nevertheless, in the 1990s a series of well-planned governmental policies were implemented and Brazilian economy went through a number of structural economic changes, which allowed achieving certain stability, especially on macro-economic level. Therefore, country’s inflation was taken under control, external debt was considerably decreased, and numerous measures directed on reformation of financial infrastructure, liberalization of trade, achieving price stability and stimulating general economic growth were undertaken (Jaeger, p. 5-6). This way the country managed to improve its international image and gain a reputation of â€Å"trustworthy† nation again. As a result, since recent times Brazil has been receiving a lot of private investments. Foreign investors are attracted by high return of their funds and relatively low risks. Such significant factors, as good demographic situation in the country, high interest rates, stable political situation and prudent governmental policies regarding overseas trade, created absolutely favorable environment for foreign businessmen, who intend to invest their funds and start their businesses in Brazil. Good investment climate and economic stability are not the only factors determining future rise of Brazilian economy. In addition to that, Brazil is very rich with various natural resources. Those are, first of all, huge territories of arable lands available for cultivation of a great variety of crops. Moreover, there are large mineral and plant resources including iron, copper and even gold, which have not been even properly explored yet. That is why there are great opportunities for different industrial and agricultural companies in Brazil. Undoubtedly, there are some problems which require immediate attention and solution in order to fasten economic development and achieve high levels of social wellbeing. Those include corrupted educational system and problems with human capital, insufficient financial and fiscal systems, poverty and income disparities, etc. Certainly, such reforms are hard to implement within some short period of time, therefore, positive transformations are expected to become effective gradually. Nevertheless, modern Brazil can be called the â€Å"country of the future† with its huge national market, cheap working power, abundance of natural resources, and many other factors determining a large long-term economic potential of the country (Jaeger, p. 2). Great economic stability and openness, steady increase in manufacturing and consumption, establishment of new international trade connections and other fundamentals will definitely contribute greatly to future prosperity and economic power of the country. Works Cited: Estevao, Marcello. Brazil Seeks to Unlock Economic Potential. International Monetary Fund. 26 Feb. 2007. 25 Nov. 2007 http://www. imf. org/external/pubs/ft/survey/so/2007/CAR083A. htm. Jaeger, Marcus. Brazil: Economic scenarios for the next 15 years. Ed. Maria L. Lanzeni. Deutsche Bank Research. Frankfurt Am Main: Deutsche Bank AG, 2006 Adrogue, Richardo, Martin Cerisola and Gaston Gelos. Brazil’s Long-Term Growth Performance -Trying to Explain the Puzzle. International Monetary Fund, unpublished manuscript, December 2006.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Pump And Hydraulic Fluid Engineering Essay

Pump And Hydraulic Fluid Engineering Essay Introduction: This assignment mainly talks about the hydraulic system in an aircraft. The hydraulic system in an aircraft is use for operating various services such as landing gear, wheel brakes and power flight controls etc. Each system has its own hydraulic circuit within the system. These independent circuits are connected to the common pressure and return lines of the hydraulic power circuit. A complete power hydraulic system consists of the following; A power or delivery circuit, A number of service circuits, Emergency circuits. Below is the diagram of basic hydraulic system; Task Two: Pump: Pump provides pressurise hydraulic fluid to the system by comprising the fluid which comes from the reservoir. Pump can pressurise the fluid up to 5000 psi. depends on different pumps. Pressure Reducing Valve: The Pressure Reducing valve reduces the system output pressure to a pressure suitable for operating a specific system or component. Pressure Relief Valve: Whenever there is excessive pressure in the system the pressure relief valve reliefs the extra pressure. Reservoir: The function of reservoir in the hydraulic system is to store the hydraulic fluid and delivers the hydraulic fluid to the pump which then gives the pressurise fluid to the system. The reservoir also pressurise the fluid up to 40psi in order to not get cavitation. Motor: The function of Motor is to help in engaging the pump and also help in starting the system. Strainer: Strainer is a filter. It filters out the dirt before the fluid goes to the pump. There are high and low pressures strainers, normally the high pressure strainer are after the pump and low pressure are before the pump. Task Three: B767 HYDRAULICS SYSTEMS INTRODUCTION: This airplane has three independent hydraulics systems which are; Left Hydraulic system This hydraulics system powers the; Flight controls Left side engine Thrust reversal It consists of; Reservoir, Engine Driven pump, and Electric motor driven pump Right Hydraulic system This system is similar to Left hydraulic system and it consists of same; Reservoir, Engine driven pump, and Electric motor driven pump This system powers the; Flight controls, Right side engine Thrust reversal, Normal brakes, and Pitch enhancement Centre hydraulics system The system consists of; Reservoir, Two Electric motor driven pumps, An Air driven demand pump, and RAT (Ram Air Turbine) pump It powers the; Flight controls, Nose wheel steering, Flaps and slats, Alternate brakes, Landing gear, Hydraulic driven generator, and Tail skid So basically the hydraulic system of this aircraft powers the; Flight controls, Leading edge slats, Trailing edge flaps, Landing gear, Wheel brakes, Nose wheel steering, Autopilot servos, Thrust reversals, and Tail skid Flight control system components are distributed so that any hydraulic system can provide adequate airplane controllability. All hydraulic reservoirs supplies fluid to pumps and these pumps pressurized the system and the reservoirs are pressurized by bleed air system. Below figure shows three independent system what they consist of and to what they power. It also display there switches in the cockpit. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SCHEMATICS FLUID SUPPLY Hydraulic fluid is supplied to each pump from a reservoir. Reservoirs are pressurized from bleed air system. There is fluid quantity measured device in all the reservoirs which provides information on EICAS status display. When RF illuminates on the EICAS status page then the reservoirs requires refilling prior to dispatch. Valid only when airplane is on ground with both engines shutdown or after landing with flaps up during taxi-in. As shown in figure below; The QTY (1) light illuminates and the EICAS advisory message e.g. L HYD QTY displays which means that left side reservoir fluid quantity is low. SYS PRESS (2) illuminates when the system pressure is less. ENGINE DRIVEN PUMP: The primary hydraulic system pump is engine driven pump. As there are two engines on this aircraft it has two engines driven pump left and right. It runs with the engine and pressurized the system. When the pump output pressure is low the primary pump PRESS light illuminates on the hydraulic overhead panel and a warning display on the EICAS e.g. (if it is right side) R HYD PRIM PUMP. When the pump temperature is high OVHT light illuminates on the hydraulic overhead panel and again a warning display on the EICAS e.g. (if its left side) L PRIM HYD OVHT ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVEN PRIMARY PUMP: The two centre electric motor driven primary pumps are identical to the left and right systems electric motor driven pumps. The C2 pump may be load shed automatically to reduce electrical loads. As you can see the figure above it has also the same PRESS low pressure and over heat OVHT warnings on hydraulic overhead panel. The associated EICAS messages for low output pressure C HYD PRIM 1 or C HYD PRIM 2 and for over heat C HYD 1 OVHT or C HYD 2 OVHT. ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVEN DEMAND PUMP: An electric motor driven demand pump provides an additional hydraulic power either on demand or continuously for periods of high system demand. The demand pump also provides a backup hydraulic power source for the engine driven primary pumps. To reduce electrical load, the electric demand pump is inhibited on the ground during engine start of either engine, when only one electrical generator is operating. The demand pump PRESS and SYS PRESS lights illuminates when starting engines on the ground. As shown in the figure below the overhead hydraulic panel with warnings. The warnings will also display on the EICAS e.g. R HYD DEM PUMP. AIR DRIVEN DEMAND PUMP: An air driven demand pump also provides additional hydraulic power either on demand or continuously for periods of high system demand. This pump provides the backup hydraulic power for electric motor driven primary pumps. As shown in picture above it shows the warnings on the hydraulic panel PRESS when its low pressure and OVHT when the pump come over heat. The warning can also be seen in EICAS. RAT (RAM AIR TURBINE) PUMP: This pump is used in emergency conditions it provides hydraulic power to the flight control portion of the centre hydraulic system. The RAT provides adequate hydraulic power at the speed above 130 knots. In flight, the RAT deploys automatically when both engine fails. The RAT is inhibited from auto deployment on the ground. The RAT can be deployed manually by pushing the RAT switch. The UNLKD light illuminates and the EICAS advisory message RAT UNLOCKED displays when the RAT is not stowed and locked. Once the RAT is producing the pressure the PRESS lights illuminates. The SYS PRESS light illuminated if RAT is only the source of centre system pressure. Once the RAT is deployed then it cannot be stowed in flight. SYSTEM PRESSURE INDICATIONS: The SYS PRESS lights illuminates and the EICAS caution message e.g. ( for left hydraulic system) L HYD SYS PRESS when the left side hydraulic system pressure is low same for the right side and centre system. HYDRAULIC DRIVEN GENERATOR: Hydraulic driven generator is automatically powered by the centre system when electrical power is lost from both main AC buses. The centre air demand pump then operates continuously to ensure sufficient hydraulic pressure to drive the generator. HYDRAULIC PANEL: System Pressure (SYS PRESS) Lights: Illuminated (amber) system pressure is low. Reservoir Low Quantity (QTY) Lights: Illuminated (amber) reservoir quantity is low. Left/Right Engine (L/R ENG) Primary Pump Switches: ON the engine driven hydraulic pump pressurized when engine rotates. OFF (ON not visible) the engine driven hydraulic pump is turned off and depressurized. Pump Pressure Lights (PRESS) : Illuminated amber Pump output pressure is low. Pump Overheat (OVHT) Lights: Illuminated amber pump temperature is high. Centre 1/2 Electric (C1/2 ELEC) Primary Pump Switches: ON the electric motor driven pump pressurized the centre hydraulic system. OFF the electric motor driven pump is turned off and is not pressurizing the system. Left/Right Electric and Centre Air ( L/R ELEC and C AIR) Demand Pump Selectors: ON continuous operation AUTO Left/Right electric pumps operate when engine pump pressure is low. Centre air demand pump operates when both centre electric pump pressure is low. Centre AIR demand pump operates when heavy load items are selected. OFF Pumps are turned off LANDING GEAR: Introduction: The airplane has two main landing gear and single nose gear. The nose gear is a steerable with two wheel unit. Each main gear has four wheels in tandem pairs. Hydraulic power for retraction, extension, and steering is supplied by the centre hydraulic system. An alternative extension system is also provided. Below is the schematic of the landing gear system; Air Ground Sensing System: The air ground sensing system receives air ground logic signals from tilt sensors located on each main landing gear. These signals are used to configure the airplane system to the appropriate air or ground status. A nose air ground system receives signals from nose gear strut compression sensors. These signals are for controlling stall warning and portions of the caution and warning system. LANDING GEAR UNDER NORMAL OPERATION: The landing gears are normally controlled by the landing gear lever. On the ground, the lever is held in DN position by an automatic lever lock controlled by the main gear tilt sensor. The lever lock can manually overridden by pushing and holding the landing gear lever LOCK OVRD switch. In flight, the lever lock is automatically released through the air ground sensing of main gear tilt sensor. Landing Gear Retraction: When the landing gear lever is positioned to UP, the tilted landing gear begins to retract. The landing gear doors open and the gear retract to up position. Automatic wheel braking occurs during gear retraction. The landing gear lever is placed in the OFF position to depressurize the landing gear system. Landing Gear Extension: When the landing gear level is moved to DN, the landing gear door opens, the gear are unlocked, and the GEAR and DOORS light illuminates. The gears are hydraulically powered to the down and lock position. The down locks are powered to the lock position, all hydraulically actuated gear door close, and the main gear trucks hydraulically tilt to the flight position. When all gears are down and locked, the gear down light illuminates and the GEAR and DOOR light extinguish. Landing Gear Alternative Extension: The alternative landing gear extension system uses an electric motor to trip the locking mechanism for each gear. Selecting DN on the ALTN GEAR EXTEND switch releases all the door and gear up locks, the landing gear then free fall to the down and locked position. TASK FOUR: HEALTH SAFETY REGULATION: Introduction: The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 cover a wide range of basic health, safety and welfare issues and apply to most workplaces (with the exception of those workplaces involving construction work on construction sites, those in or on a ship, or those below ground at a mine). They are amended by the Quarries Regulations 1999, the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002, the Work at Height Regulations 2005, and the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007. These Regulations aim to ensure that workplaces meet the health, safety and welfare needs of all members of a workforce, including people with disabilities. Several of the Regulations require things to be suitable. Followings are the Health and safety regulations which should be followed in the working place; HEALTH: Ventilation Workplaces need to be adequately ventilated. Fresh, clean air should be drawn from a source outside the workplace, uncontaminated by discharges from flues, chimneys or other process outlets, and be circulated through the workrooms. Ventilation should also remove and dilute warm, humid air and provide air movement which gives a sense of freshness without causing a draught. If the workplace contains process or heating equipment or other sources of dust, fumes or vapours, more fresh air will be needed to provide adequate ventilation. Windows or other openings may provide sufficient ventilation but, where necessary, mechanical ventilation systems should be provided and regularly maintained. Temperatures in indoor workplaces Environmental factors (such as humidity and sources of heat in the workplace) combine with personal factors (such as the clothing a worker is wearing and how physically demanding their work is) to influence what is called someones thermal comfort. Individual personal preference makes it difficult to specify a thermal environment which satisfies everyone. For workplaces where the activity is mainly sedentary, for example offices, the temperature should normally be at least 16 Â °C. If work involves physical effort it should be at least 13 Â °C (unless other laws require lower temperatures). Work in hot or cold environment This includes risk to workers health from working in either a hot or cold environment needs to consider both personal and environmental factors. Personal factors include body activity, the amount and type of clothing, and duration of exposure. Environmental factors include ambient temperature and radiant heat; and if the work is outside, sunlight, wind velocity and the presence of rain or snow. Lighting: Lighting should be sufficient to enable people to work and move about safely. Lighting and light fittings should not create any hazard. Automatic emergency lighting, powered by an independent source, should be provided where sudden loss of light would create a risk. Cleanliness and waste material Every workplace and the furniture, furnishings and fittings should be kept clean and it should be possible to keep the surfaces of floors, walls and ceilings clean. Cleaning and the removal of waste should be carried out as necessary by an effective method. Waste should be stored in suitable receptacles. Room dimensions and space: Workrooms should have enough free space to allow people to move about with ease. Workstations and seating: Workstations should be suitable for the people using them and for the work they do. People should be able to leave workstations swiftly in an emergency. If work can or must be done sitting, seats which are suitable for the people using them and for the work they do should be provided. Seating should give adequate support for the lower back, and footrests should be provided for workers who cannot place their feet flat on the floor. SAFETY: Maintenance: The workplace, and certain equipment, devices and systems should be maintained in efficient working order (efficient for health, safety and welfare). Such maintenance is required for mechanical ventilation systems; equipment and devices which would cause a risk to health, safety or welfare if a fault occurred; and equipment and devices intended to prevent or reduce hazard. The condition of the buildings needs to be monitored to ensure that they have appropriate stability and solidity for their use. This includes risks from the normal running of the work process (e.g. vibration, floor loadings) and foreseeable risks (e.g. fire in a cylinder store). Floor: The surfaces should not have holes or be uneven or slippery, and should be kept free of obstructions and from any article or substance which may cause a person to slip, trip or fall. Criteria for defects such as subsidence, unevenness, pot holes, collection of surface water, cracks and ruts should be determined and set, and maintenance systems developed to undertake repair when these limits are exceeded. Windows: Open able windows, skylights and ventilators should be capable of being opened, closed or adjusted Safely and, when open, should not pose any undue risk to anyone. FATIGUE TESTING MACHINE: Fatigue testing machine test and determines the useful working life of a component which is subjected to repeated load. Fatigue testing machine applies pre-defined loads or alternating loads to the sample component and records fatigue life indicated by the number of cycles required to product failure. Health Safety Issue: Followings are the health and safety issues with fatigue testing machine; As Fatigue-testing machines produce heavy vibration so it requires a strong foundation. Safety guidelines provided by the metal fatigue-testing equipment manufacturers should be followed before starting a fatigue test. Proper controls and accessories should be installed for fatigue-testing machine to prevent accidents. Task Five: Maintenance Procedure for Landing Gear: Landing Gear is the most rugged part of an aircraft and should be maintain properly in order not have accidents. In order to increase the life span and minimising the accidents regularly inception should be made for inspecting the landing gear because of the force hitting the runway upon landing stresses the entire system no matter how gentle the landing is. Following is the procedure to maintain the landing gear; Place the aircraft on jacks in the approved manner as detailed in the manufacturers maintenance manual. Interconnect a manual pump (complete with a one gallon reservoir and a 3000 p.s.i. pressure gauge) into the system at the service tee fitting. This fitting is located downstream of the pump check valve. Deactivate the pump and motor by disconnecting the plug on the pressure switch. Disconnect the pressure relief valve and the thermal relief valve from the system and cap off the lines. Disconnect the accumulator from the system and cap off the line. Pressurise the system to 3000 p.s.i. When the pressure reaches 3000 p.s.i., the system must remain within 50 p.s.i. of this pressure for one minute without additional pumping. Reconnect the THERMAL relief valve and pressurise the system until the valve opens. The cracking pressure of the valve should be 2200 + or 50 p.s.i.* With the gear doors disconnected, select gear up and retract using the hand pump. Take the gear up slowly and check the flex lines for clearance and signs of chafing. When the gear reaches the up position, increase the pressure to 3000 p.s.i. The system must again remain within 50 p.s.i. of this pressure for one minute. Pull the 5 amp L/G control breaker, reconnect the pressure switch plug and reset the 5 amp breaker. Extend the gear with the normal system. Reconnect the pressure relief valve and pressurise the system until the valve opens. The cracking pressure for this valve is the same as the thermal relief valve, 2200 + or 50 p.s.i.* Disconnect manual pump from service tee and cap tee. Check emergency nitrogen bottle is charged to 1500 p.s.i. With gear in down position and system pressurised, open manual nitrogen valve in the cockpit and check for leaks between the valve and the actuators. Maximum leakage rate, 50 p.s.i. in ten minutes. Close the manual nitrogen valve and bleed off the pressure in the emergency system by loosening the line at the bleed valve in the nose wheel well. Prior to re-connecting the line, check that the bleed valve is open. Blow air gently into the bleed valve fitting and check the top of the valve for a flow of air. Charge the accumulator to 1250 p.s.i. Re-connect to the system. Recharge the emergency nitrogen bottle to 1500 p.s.i. Tasks Yes No Jack is placed on right position Aircraft is put on jack according to maintenance manual Connect manual pump into the system at service tee fitting. Fill it to one gallon reservoir with 3000 psi. Pump De-activated Pressure relief valve and thermal valve dis-connected Accumulator dis-connected Pressurise till 3000 psi System remain at 50 psi for a minute Thermal relief valve re-connected and system pressurise until the valve opens Gear doors dis-connected Gear up selected Retract using the hand pump and check the flex lines for clearance and signs of chafing. On the gear reaches the up position, increase the pressure to 3000 p.s.i. The system must again remain within 50 p.s.i. of this pressure for one minute. System remained within 50 p.s.i. for one minute. 5 amp L/G control breaker pulled. Pressure switch plug reconnected and reset the 5 amp breaker reset Gear extended with the normal system. Pressure relief valve reconnected and pressurise the system until the valve opens Manual Pump dis-connected Emergence Bottle check Leakage check between the valve actuator Emergency system check Emergency Bottler recharge to 1500 psi.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of an Advertisement :: Advertising, Marketing

Rhetorical Analysis of an Advertisement Advertisements are all over the place. Whether they are on TV, radio, or in a magazine, there is no way that you can escape them. They all have their target audience who they have specifically designed the ad for. And of course they are selling their product. This is a multi billion dollar industry and the advertiser’s study all the ways that they can attract the person’s attention. One way that is used the most and is in some ways very controversial is use of sex to sell products. For me to analyze this advertisement I used the rhetorical triangle, as well as ethos, pathos, and logos. The target audience is both males and females in their late teens to mid twenties. This company gets the male side of the equation by getting their attention and interest drawn to the attractive woman on the right with bright colors drawing your attention there as well as the bottle of whiskey which is right in the middle of the page. Then what gets these peoples attention to stay there is the fact they have an incredibly good looking female who is posing in next to nothing. Then a way that they try and get the females to look at the advertisement and read it is by showing a very plain girl who seems to be very typical of girls during their younger years. Then beside they show the same girl who now has become a women who is very attractive and just seems so much more powerful and sure of herself. One way that you can achieve that is if you drink Evan Williams Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey. The purpose is to get young adults even ones that are under age to drink their whiskey. One piece of specific information that is sent across to you is that the whiskey is aged for seven years before it is sold. The writer’s whole purpose of this advertisement is to try and sell Evan Williams Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. The reason that I think that it advertises to people that are under age because the girl that is on the left in my opinion seems to be under age. Then they got that bottle of whisky which is in between each of the pictures. The author of this advertisement is all about sexual stereotypes such as blonde hair blue eyes and a very large breast size.