Saturday, December 28, 2019

Internship Report On Educational And Theoretical Knowledge

ACKNOWLEGEMENT Internship provide the best opportunity to use educational/theoretical knowledge and learn practical knowledge as â€Å"apply knowledge and gain experience.† Internship report is submitted to Ms. Laura Logiacco (field placement coordinator at Cambrian @ Hanson), which is essential as per my course of study, and I did my internship under to supervision and guidance of Mr. Amarjeet Mann at Mann travel. During preparation of this report, I owe my sincere thanks to many great persons who helped and supported me during field placement, first, I am grateful to Mr. Mann, his support, guidance, leadership is example and very appreciable along with its staff for giving the opportunity to†¦show more content†¦It is very interesting job to make a contact with airlines and provide best services to the commuters. So, I choose the Mann travel. It is the one branch of Mann tour and travel which is the located in the Cottrelle, Brampton. Mann tour and travel has three more branches, one of them is in Springdale other one in Markham and the fourth branch located in Ray Lawson. Mr. Mann runs Mann travel since 1999. PROCESS OF FINDING PLACEMENT I found this placement through the radio, I listen couple of programmes which they promote the Mann travel through this I got the contact number and I called the travel office and booked the appointment with the director for interview, then I met with Mr. Mann and I explain each and everything to him about my HR course and co-op. He put some questions and then he accepts me as a co-op students over there. I dealt with HR department in Mann travel. Before the interviewing with Mr. Mann I dropped my resume to one CPA accountant office they accept me but they have not enough employee over there. DURATION OF PLACEMENT 8 weeks that is beginning from 16th January to 10th march 2017. Total Hours: 280 hours. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Compare and Contrast paper - 911 Words

A critical viewer is always beaten by a critical reader. This opinion has changed however, after seeing the movie and afterwards reading the story of â€Å"Gravestone Made of Wheat† and the movie â€Å" Sweet Land† which is derived from the same story. The charming love story tells of the deep love between the two main characters in the story, Inge and Olaf. The story tells of how they fought for the love that they had for each other. The film gives a vivid scenery of the story and gives justice to the idea of the writer. It shows how people could discriminate in terms of origin and culture. However, the depiction of Olaf as a man who will stand by his woman until the end justified this kind of mentality among almost all peoples from different†¦show more content†¦It disturbs the mind, it motivates insightful ideas to make questions as to why people behave the way they do and why things happen unexpectedly. The crafty transposition from short story to fi lm was so much so that the cinematic effects and techniques were strategically presented. The film is just as colorful as the mind of its director. The important value that the writer wanted to impart to his readers never missed a point in the film. In fact, the director made it a point to make it the most exciting part of the film. Despite their having been married, the aloofness of Olaf and Inge to each other is what makes the story totally distinct from other love stories. And yet, how did this love become so powerful? The writer’s mind is as powerful as well, because he was able to justify this through the twists and turns in the events of the story. The conclusion of the story gives the reader and the viewer something to ponder upon. This is where the power of the writer really came out. People generalize. They are judgmental. But there are exceptional loves as well. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Important Feature of Data Mining Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Important Feature of Data Mining. Answer: Introduction Data mining, the extraction of concealed perceptive data from substantial databases, is an effective new innovation with incredible prospective to empower organizations to concentrate on the utmost imperative data in their data warehouses. Data mining tools supports business organizations to anticipate future patterns and practices. It is also enabling organizations to make proactive, learning driven choices (Witten et al., 2016). The mechanized, planned examinations offered by data mining helps to gain such inner information which cannot be found with the help of traditional decision support systems. Data mining tools can answer business issues that generally were excessively tedious, making it impossible to determine. They search databases for concealed examples, finding prescient data that specialists may miss since it lies outside their desires. Most organizations officially gather and refine enormous amounts of information. Data mining procedures can be executed quickly on existing programming and equipment stages to upgrade the benefit of existing data assets, and can be coordinated with new items and frameworks as they are expedited line (Braha, 2013). At the point when actualized on superior customer/server or parallel handling PCs, data mining tools can dissect monstrous databases to convey answers to inquiries, for example, "Which customers are well on the way to react to newly introduced product, and why?" Tools like Rapid Miner, WEKA, Tableau and R are the most important data mining tools that support business decision makers to work on these kind of questions and get an idea for better decision making. This essay gives a prologue to the essential advances of data mining. Cases of productive applications outline its significance to the present business condition and an essential depiction of how information stockroom structures can advance to convey the estimation of information mining to end clients. Important feature of Data Mining tools Data mining is utilized to discover or produce new helpful data's from substantial measure of information base. It is a procedure of removing already obscure and adequate data from extensive databases and utilizing it to settle on critical business choices. A few developing applications in data giving administrations, for example, information warehousing and on-line benefits over the Internet, likewise call for different information mining and learning revelation systems to comprehend client conduct better, to enhance the administration gave, and to expand the business chances Of an outline of learning disclosure database and information mining (Rokach Maimon, 2014). Over the years the importance of data mining gradually increase and todays organization cannot think their operations without data mining tools. According to the study of Shmueli and Lichtendahl Jr (2017), there are several important features data mining tools have among which the most significant ones are data preparation facilities, selection of data mining operations, product scalability and performance and Facilities for understanding end results. While talking about the first important feature that is data preparation facilities, it can be said that business decision majorly depends on how well the raw data is prepared for analysis. When the traditional decision support system experienced difficulties in preparing data; data mining tools available at present makes it easier for decision maker with the help of data preparation, data cleansing, data describing, data transforming and data sampling functions. These predefined functions enables the decision maker to finalize what data needs to be considered for a specific decision (Wu et al., 2014). The second most essential feature is selection of data mining operations. It has seen that business decision makers tried to understand the historical data in order to predict the future trend and perceptions of end users. In order to do so, it is very much important to understand the characteristics of the operations (algorithms) used in specific data mining tool to ensure that they meet the users requirements (Papamitsiou Economides, 2014). In other words, it is imperative to make a choice regarding how well the algorithms understand historical data and accordingly work on new dataset. Fortunately, there are extensive list of options available in most data mining tools and because of this use of such tools is cooperatively easy than traditional decision making systems. The third important feature is product scalability and performance. It means, data mining tools are capable of dealing with growing amounts of data, perhaps with refined validation controls. Not only has that it also supports decision makers in terms of sustaining satisfactory enactment may require inquiries into whether a tool is proficient of ancillary parallel processing using technologies such as SMP or MPP (Gupta, 2014). Finally, the fourth most important feature of data mining tool is Facilities for understanding end results. By giving measures, for example, those depicting precision and criticalness in valuable organizations, for example, perplexity networks, by enabling the client to perform affectability investigation on the outcome, and by introducing the outcome in elective courses utilizing for instance perception strategies. Value of Data Warehouse A Data Warehouse (DW) is the center of any business insight (BI) stage and its activity is to coordinate information from various information sources paying little heed to where they are found (Larose, 2014). Programming, for example, Tableau and QlikView are not BI devices, they are information perception devices, much like Excel. They are not databases, they do not interface information and consolidation your informational indexes, organization require extra instruments for that. A Data Warehouse is fundamentally "Lord" spreadsheet however on an appropriate database able to do effectively extend and join extra information sources, that can without much of a stretch channel information for every area or per individual or per item, and that has every single accessible measurement and measurements that are essential to you prepared to envision in a reliable and worldwide way (Roelofs et al., 2013). Subsequently it is required to "module" the perception apparatuses, Excel into them to extricate the information and imagine it, yet at this point the critical step of the activity is improved the situation you (Ferreira et al., 2015). What's more, more significantly, on the off chance that you are utilizing the privilege DW it is done consequently. Putting away data in an information distribution center commonly known as data warehouse does not give the advantages an association is looking for. To understand the estimation of a data warehouse, it is important to separate the learning covered up inside the warehouse. Be that as it may, as the sum and unpredictability of the information in an information stockroom develops, it turns out to be progressively troublesome, if certainly feasible, for business investigators to recognize patterns and connections in the information utilizing basic inquiry and detailing apparatuses (Khan Hoque, 2015). Data mining can give immense paybacks to organizations who have made a critical interest in information warehousing. In spite of the fact that information mining is as yet a generally new innovation, it is as of now utilized as a part of various enterprises (Gupta, 2014). The aftereffects of information combination encompass business organizations, empowering exceptionally profitable business exercises in their associations. However, they do not generally look past those exercises to see information joining as the imperative, in the background empowering influence that it is (Braha, 2013). On the off chance that one have to substantiate the business estimation of information joiningwhich is a typical essential for the financing, sponsorship, or execution of information coordinationat that point they have to disclose to their associates the empowering part that information reconciliation plays for some information driven business hones (Rokach Maimon, 2014). Besides, on the off chance that one organization need to keep information coordination arrangements completely lined up with business objectives, at that point they should be always aware of the particular sorts of business esteem that outcome from information reconciliation's groups, devices, and systems. Many take a gander at this as a revealing issue that should be tended to yet in actuality this is an information issue most importantly (Papamitsiou Economides, 2014). Tackle this issue with a Data Warehouse and you will receive the rewards of quick information examination, brought down costs, less time spent on non-basic errands and a superior incorporated perspective of your business. Conclusion To conclude, it can be said that data mining tools are the part and parcel of todays business decision making. Several features enable business decision makers to employ data mining tool in complex situation and make strategy for success in the longer run. When data mining tools support business organizations to analyze data in a better way. Data warehouse plays pivotal role as decision makers mostly rely on such data available in data warehouse for decision making. References Braha, D. (Ed.). (2013).Data mining for design and manufacturing: methods and applications(Vol. 3). Springer Science Business Media. Ferreira, J. C., de Almeida, J., da Silva, A. R. (2015). The impact of driving styles on fuel consumption: A data-warehouse-and-data-mining-based discovery process.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,16(5), 2653-2662. Gupta, G. K. (2014).Introduction to data mining with case studies. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Khan, S. I., Hoque, A. S. M. L. (2015). Development of national health data warehouse for data mining.Database Systems Journal,6(1), 3-13. Larose, D. T. (2014).Discovering knowledge in data: an introduction to data mining. John Wiley Sons. Papamitsiou, Z., Economides, A. A. (2014). Learning analytics and educational data mining in practice: A systematic literature review of empirical evidence.Journal of Educational Technology Society,17(4), 49. Roelofs, E., Persoon, L., Nijsten, S., Wiessler, W., Dekker, A., Lambin, P. (2013). Benefits of a clinical data warehouse with data mining tools to collect data for a radiotherapy trial.Radiotherapy and Oncology,108(1), 174-179. Rokach, L., Maimon, O. (2014).Data mining with decision trees: theory and applications. World scientific. Shmueli, G., Lichtendahl Jr, K. C. (2017).Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in R. John Wiley Sons. Witten, I. H., Frank, E., Hall, M. A., Pal, C. J. (2016).Data Mining: Practical machine learning tools and techniques. Morgan Kaufmann. Wu, X., Zhu, X., Wu, G. Q., Ding, W. (2014). Data mining with big data.IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering,26(1), 97-107.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Book and Movie Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Example For Students

Book and Movie Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Zora Neale Hurston’s novel â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God† is a story about a young African American woman’s search for herself through different relationships. The compelling nature of the story struck Oprah Winfrey so much that she decided to turn it into a movie, but as is common, the film leaves out some key points. In Winfrey’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, the sexualization of Janie’s character and her relationship with Tea Cake, and the minimization of relationships and African American community cause the film to lose meaning. The idea of a community is essential to Hurston’s novel, and she portrays Janie’s relationships very intensely. As Janie is growing up in the African American community, Hurston makes sure to portray that throughout her novel. In both the novel and the movie, it is obvious that Janie is heavily influenced by those around her. From her grandmother raising her to her multiple husbands, she is not alone in her journey. For example, in the novel after Janie’s grandmother sees her kissing Johnny Taylor, she slaps her then hugs her as she is â€Å"suffering and loving and weeping internally for the both of them† (Hurston 14). After they finishing hugging, Janie’s grandmother tells her to â€Å"sit in her lap lak used ta† (Hurston 14). In the film, however, after her grandmother slaps her, the two just hug for a while. Although the long hug depicts some sense of closeness, it pales in comparison to the dialogue offered by her grandmother. Hurston illustrates the compassion her grandmother feels toward Janie in what seems to be a beautiful portrayal of tough love. Similarly, her grandmother begins to shed wisdom on Janie by telling her, â€Å"de white man is de ruler of everything as fur as Ah been able tuh find out† (Hurston 14). She also tells her that black women are â€Å"de mules us de world† (Hurston 14). This wisdom from her grandmother reveals to Janie and the reader the hardships that she has been through as an African American woman. She loves Janie, and because of that wants to raise her in a way where she will not be disappointed. Janie’s grandmother furthers the idea of tough love in this conversation by telling Janie the truth instead of hiding her from it. However, the films cuts this scene out. Because the film seems to target an audience wanting a romantic film, this idea by the grandmother loses its importance. Furthermore, in both the novel and the film, when Janie returns to Eatonville, Pheoby welcomes her home. In the novel, Pheoby and Janie sit on the porch out in the open, as Janie tells her story regarding her and Tea Cake. However, in the film, they are inside of the house, isolated from everyone else. Although, it is obvious that the neighbors disapproves of Janie’s decision and may not welcome her back with open arms, Hurston embraces that notion with the idea of openness. Their being on the porch represents the strength of the African American community and its ability to withstand anything. In the film however, this idea seems to be lost. While Pheoby’s welcoming of Janie remains a very powerful notion, the movie’s depiction loses the very core of the African American community ideal. Throughout both the book and the movie, the characters are always playing games or talking on the porch, so the film’s decision to hold that scene inside rather than outside loses a sense of community. Not only does the loss of community alter the novel’s meaning, but also the depiction of Janie’s character. .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e , .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e .postImageUrl , .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e , .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e:hover , .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e:visited , .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e:active { border:0!important; } .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e:active , .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubdcffc001e6b891ca425092a8e5e7d8e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Exploring Transitions in Educating Rita EssayHurston’s novel tells the story of Janie’s search for her identity, and in that search come her multiple relationships. Although Hurston alludes to Janie’s looks by saying she possesses â€Å"firm buttocks like she had grape fruits in her hip pockets; the great rope of black hair swinging to her waist and unraveling in the wind like a plume; then her pugnacious breasts trying to bore hole in her shirt,† that seems to be the extent in which she illustrates Janie’s beauty (Hurston 2). The film, however, takes more liberty upon stressing Janie’s good looks. The casting of beautiful Halle Berry as the lead seems to be a great choose when considering potential viewers of the movie, and she does a beautiful job as well. However, it seems the director takes liberty with Berry’s sexual appeal and turns some scenes into more sexual scenes than needed. For example, in the book when Tea Cake and Janie are going inside to eat pound cake, â€Å"Tea Cake went out to the lemon tree at the corner of the kitchen and picked some lemons and squeezed them for her† (Hurston 102). In the movie, however, Tea Cake cuts a lemon from a tree and rubs it on her lips in a very sexual way. Whereas this scene is supposed to be very innocent, the director takes liberty and portrays it with sexual tension for the sake of the viewers. Moreover, although her relationships are a big part of her journey, the focus remains on Janie’s search for herself. Winfrey’s film, however, heavily romanticizes Janie and her relationship with Tea Cake. The film seems to take on the role as a romance film rather than Hurston’s intended purpose. Janie and Tea Cake’s relationship only lasts a year a half, and although it is very significant in Janie’s journey, she learns valuable lessons which contribute to her search as well. Winfrey’s film heavily focuses on their relationship and depicts it as if it lasts much longer than a year and a half. The film’s heavy focus on the romance between Janie and Tea Cake takes away from the theme of self-searching which Hurston clearly conveys. Through all outlets of Janie’s journey, she heads toward finding fulfillment in herself alone, and the movie takes away from the idea of Janie finding herself. Both Hurston’s and Winfrey’s version of â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God† depict Janie’s growing up and figuring out who she really is as well as what she really wants in life. However, because of the inaccurate portrayal of Janie and Tea Cake and the minimization of other relationships and community in the novel, the film does not seem to do the book justice. Hurston’s novel implicitly evokes the reader to question his or her fulfillment and where it lies. Throughout all of Janie’s relationships and stops, one can identify and ponder one’s life in accordance to Janie’s, which is what makes Hurston such a great writer and her novel such a wonderful story. Winfrey’s film is very entertaining and the chemistry between Janie and Tea Cake is undeniable, but it fails to evoke one’s own self-reflection and desire to find oneself as Hurston so beautifully does.