Friday, December 20, 2019

Compare and Contrast paper - 911 Words

A critical viewer is always beaten by a critical reader. This opinion has changed however, after seeing the movie and afterwards reading the story of â€Å"Gravestone Made of Wheat† and the movie â€Å" Sweet Land† which is derived from the same story. The charming love story tells of the deep love between the two main characters in the story, Inge and Olaf. The story tells of how they fought for the love that they had for each other. The film gives a vivid scenery of the story and gives justice to the idea of the writer. It shows how people could discriminate in terms of origin and culture. However, the depiction of Olaf as a man who will stand by his woman until the end justified this kind of mentality among almost all peoples from different†¦show more content†¦It disturbs the mind, it motivates insightful ideas to make questions as to why people behave the way they do and why things happen unexpectedly. The crafty transposition from short story to fi lm was so much so that the cinematic effects and techniques were strategically presented. The film is just as colorful as the mind of its director. The important value that the writer wanted to impart to his readers never missed a point in the film. In fact, the director made it a point to make it the most exciting part of the film. Despite their having been married, the aloofness of Olaf and Inge to each other is what makes the story totally distinct from other love stories. And yet, how did this love become so powerful? The writer’s mind is as powerful as well, because he was able to justify this through the twists and turns in the events of the story. The conclusion of the story gives the reader and the viewer something to ponder upon. This is where the power of the writer really came out. People generalize. They are judgmental. But there are exceptional loves as well. Something that begins morally, intellectually, and in reality, spiritually. The story just made the reactor wonder if it is still possible for people to practice the highest degree of restraint and morality towards each other, but still choose to be together in theShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast Paper1905 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿ Compare and Contrast Paper on Christian Counseling Methods By: John M Shisler For: CCOU 201 – D10 Summer 2014 Introduction Christian counselors are doing God’s work and must use the Spiritual Gifts with which they were blessed to be able to reach their clients. While it may be difficult to always reach a client right away, when a Christian counselor can be effective and help someone understand what God desires for them, it can be a very fulfilling and satisfying experience. 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