Thursday, March 12, 2020

Comparison Essay Essays

Comparison Essay Essays Comparison Essay Essay Comparison Essay Essay In The Kite Runner, Baby and Emir have a relationship that not all people would describe as the typical faith ere/son relationship. Baby strives to push Emir to be the best person he can be and wants whats b est. for Emir. Emir does not understand that this is what Baby is trying to do. Emir feels as if he will never be able to live up to Abss expectations and will always be compared to the way ABA a were when he was a young boy. When Emir is describing the way that Baby sees the world ( black and white), he says that you cant love a person who lives that way without fear g him too. Maybe even hating him a little (Hussein 16). Emir is suggesting that his feelings tow arts his father are more of a fearful reverence than pure admiration; from Emirs point of view, its a Lovelace relationship. Baby also expresses his doubts about Emir. Baby is, simply put, powerful, well liked, and admired for his passionate personality by neighboring friends. ABA a is dominant and Strong willed. Maim mentioned [worshipping] most days (Hussein 34). He expects his son to Freed 2 be the same as he is, and clearly he is not. Emir feels like he is not good Enola h to live up to his fathers expectations and often [felt] guilty about it (Hussein 29). Emir tries his best to impress his father. During the the kite running contest, Emir is very determine De to pull out a victory so Baby will be proud of him. At times, Baby wishes Emir were more eke his childhood friend, Hosannas. Hosannas is a very quiet and polite young boy who has a specie connection with Baby. Emir gets jealous by the fact that Baby shows more affection to Hausa n and wishes that it could be him receiving the attention. Hussein demonstrates the harsh reality f fathers relationships in the common world (Hussein 28). Men often lack showing e affection their sons and demand them to fulfill their hopes. During most fathers relationships, there are certain times where the father wants to become more of a player in his sons life than his son believes is necessary. The reasons for this are numerous and can be demonstrated in different ways. Miller is able o give an example of this behavior through the actions of Wily Loan. When Biff comes home t 0 recollect himself, Wily perceives Biffs life as a failure. Since Wily desperately wants hi: oldest son, Biff, to succeed in every way possible, he tries to take matters into his own Hzs ends. Ill get him a job selling. He could be big in no time (Miller 16). The reason that Biff came mom is to find out what he wants in life. Because Wily gets in the way, matters become moor e complicated. Partly due to Wills persistence in Biffs life, they have conflicting ideas as to hat the American dream is. Wily believes that working on the road by selling is the grog tastes job a man COUld have (Miller 81). Biff, however, feels the most inspiring job a man could have is working outdoors (Miller 22). Freed 3 When the dreams of Wily and Biff collide, it becomes frustrating to Wily became use he believes that the way hes pushing Biff is the right thing to do. Wily is disappoint need that Biff doesnt even know what [hes] supposed to want (Miller 22) in his future. Will lay finds himself to be wise and wants Biff to take after him. Wily wants to be the one to shoo w him how to do (Miller 28) great things in his life. If a father becomes too involved in his sons fife, Miller believes that the only result will be friction between the two. Wily doesnt eve n wants Biffs input and continues to tell himself that he is right (Miller 52)! As unfortunate as it is, there are many instances where a father favors one son over another, leading to social conflicts within the legislators son, which would be Biff in this case. In most cases it is the oldest son that is being favored while the younger son is ignored. Usually the father doesnt even real size what is happening and is oblivious to the poor action he is committing. He simply get s too caught up in the successes of his eldest son and he may even try to live out his life through his sons experiences. Because Wily has dreams of magnificence for Biff, Miller shows how Wills eldest son, Happy is overlooked. To men, it is crucial that their sons do every wing they can to live up their unrealistic expectations. Hussein and Miller both prove that a relationship between a father and son o often results in the father overpowering the son and pushing them to meet the unspoken expectations they have set. Hussein, Chalked.

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