Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Segregation Of African American Culture - 835 Words

I feel for the most part the characteristics in this united or consistent with my experience in the African American culture. Slavery did set us back some years, but I have to say it has made us stronger. Most of us had to face great obstacles to get in a good place, but no matter what we keep making it through the adversity. After slavery, we as a culture had to make it through the jim crow laws. This sparked the civil right movement that gave blacks a voice to speak out against the injustice that had been quietly dealt with for years. In most of these different processes blacks had to face a criminal justice system that never seemed to be on their side. Blacks had to literally practice before the went up to testify in court in the justice system because of the very rigid injustice presented in courts. Blacks did earn their right to vote in the justice system, and they did earn their freedom in the justice system, but the justice system was geared for whites and not blacks, but th rough actual quoting the actual law, blacks was able to fight for their freedom. The actual law did protect its people. but it is what people inject into laws the are discriminating. Later, came the muslim movement that made blacks realise that they control their own destiny. African Americans has even came up as for in the middle class, but the problem is that it is a big gap between the low class and the middle. Most Blacks feel they cannot trust the police, and I believe it is from the past.Show MoreRelatedThe Downfall Of The Black Experience1559 Words   |  7 PagesMany Americans point to the suffering of the African American experience from the internal problems in African Americans communities; however, they neglect the external social constraints that African Americans have faces in America. 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